

Tomorrow’s News is a way of imagining what stories you would like to be reported about as the outcome of a service redesign.

Tomorrow’s News is a way of imagining what stories you would like to be reported about the outcomes of a service redesign.

Why should I use it?

It helps you create a convincing story around what benefits making changes would have. This can help bring people along with you.

How does it work?

You create a news story from the future, thinking about what the positive effects of service re-design are on an individual, a group, city or country. It is written in a journalistic style, with a catchy headline, great picture and a quote from someone. The language is simple and non-specialist and the story explains what the problem was, what changed and how people feel about the changes.

What do I need?

•Square sticky notes

•Black ‘sharpie’ type pens

Tomorrow’s News template (or a blank sheet of paper.)

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